Thursday, January 26, 2012

Time and Distance

In a previous post I discussed the concepts of infinity and eternity as absolutes. In other words if eternity and infinity are real then they are absolute. In purely abstract terms, in an eternal and infinite universe there is no way to describe time or distance as the two do not exist, and we cannot describe something that does not exist. So how do we juxtapose finite life and our world as we know it onto an eternal universe where time does not exist? Everything in our observable universe appears to have a beginning an an end, so it also appears that our beginning (our universe and all that exists within it it) had a beginning and as we observe its decay, will have an end. Therefore, the beginning of our universe originated in an infinite and eternal something. I am at a loss for words to describe this infinite and eternal thing that our universe sprang from. How do I describe infinity and eternity? I can easily describe something that has a beginning and an end because it is observable, but I am having great difficulty describing something that I cannot observe. We'll return to this predicament later. For now, let's return to the origin and birth of our universe. I believe in order for anything to come into existence it begins with thought. As for coming from the void (the infinite and the eternal) it also had to come from thought. All works originate as a thought. Science fiction writers do this all the time as they create worlds from within the infinite reaches of their minds. Once their writing is over with their imaginary world thoughts end. Thus, a beginning and an end. But for our universe to be a thought there must be a mind it is coming from. Is their a mind in the infinite and eternal? Is the infinite and eternal a mind?

Until next time....

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